Tom Deimler Family Philmont Scholarship Endowment

In Memory of Shirley

By Mark Griffin, Editor in Chief

Throughout his career, and to this day, retiree Tom Deimler has given his full support to Philmont’s training and high adventure programs. My career connection to Philmont, which for many defined my career, was in large part due to Tom’s encouragement. He made it possible for me, one of his field directors, to attend a conference at PTC.

Tom believes in the life-changing power of Philmont and recognizes the Philmont Experience develops a Scout’s self-reliance and leadership skills. He also knows Philmont helps the Scout bring real meaning to the aims and methods of Scouting.

With this in mind, in honor of his long service to Scouting and in memory of his dedicated wife Shirley, he and his family have created The Tom Deimler Family Philmont Scholarship Endowment for the purpose of awarding at least one annual scholarship to a selected Scout to join a unit or local council Philmont crew. Making it possible for that Scout, or Scouts, to benefit from a Philmont experience.

Tom has started the fund with an initial gift to the endowment with the intent of offering a scholarship for the upcoming Philmont camping season. Also, he has made it possible for family, friends, and Scouters to make direct contributions to the fund. Such gifts will go directly into the principal.

If you would like to help, direct contributions may be made through the BSA Foundation at

More information can be found in the brochure Deimler Scholarship 24 and on our Facebook page.

Posted in Donations.