We’re pleased to announce that Now & Then, the quarterly newsletter of BSA retirees is going digital.

Allen Mossman
The vision for this began with fellow BSA retiree and long-time Now & Then editor-in-chief, Allen Mossman.
Allen had explored this idea with his editorial team that included John Erickson, Bob Mersereau, and Jim Wilson, and led the team in developing a plan for digital-only retiree communications beginning in 2021.
With the unexpected passing of Allen on October 9, 2020, that team, in partnership with 12th Chief Scout Executive Wayne Brock, took on responsibility for implementing Allen’s vision.
In tribute to and on behalf of Allen, here are the plans and fellow retirees who will be serving as the editorial team of the digital Now & Then.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Now & Then editorial team is to provide digital communications to BSA retirees that inform, equip, and inspire them for sharing the Scouting story and encourage their continued involvement and support of Scouting.
This mission will include quarterly digital editions of Now & Then the official newsletter of BSA retirees and regular BSA news and information updates through the (new) Now & Then Facebook Page.
The team is also exploring ways to provide retirees with the New Horizons and Fond Remembrances information previously included with monthly pension annuity statements sharing the names of new retirees and the passing of fellow retirees and a digital version of the Annual Retiree Directory.
Updates on those efforts will be shared on the Now & Then Facebook Page.
Team Members
The inaugural team for this launch of the digital Now & Then includes fellow retirees with decades of local, regional, and national experience.
- Now & Then Editorial Team Advisor, Wayne Brock: Following service that included Scout Executive, Regional Director, and Deputy Chief Scout Executive, Wayne was selected by the BSA National Board as our 12th Chief Scout Executive and served until his retirement in September 2015.
- Editor-in-Chief and Social Media Editor, Mark Griffin: Mark retired as Scout Executive of the Great Salt Lake Council in May 2019. Many also know Mark from his past positions as an Area Director, Director of the Philmont Training Center, Associate Director of Cub Scouting, and Director of Volunteer Training.
- Associate Editor, John Erickson: John retired in 2007 from his position as Director, Office of the Chief Scout Executive during the tenure of Roy Williams and after having served as Director of the National Training center for 10 years.
- Associate Editor, Bob Mersereau: Bob served as Director, Office of the Chief Scout Executive during the tenures of Chief Scout Executives, Bob Mazzuca, Wayne Brock, and Mike Surbaugh. Many also know Bob from his years serving as Director of the BSA 100th Anniversary Celebration Project. Bob retired in October 2017.
- New Horizons and Fond Remembrances Editor, Bob Rydell: Bob served as Scout Executive in Champaign, Illinois and on the National Staff as Associate Director of the Compensation and Benefits Division and as Endowment Director of the Central Region.
- Production and Technology Manager, Jim Wilson: Jim had a distinguished career in publishing and communications prior to joining the National Council as Communications Department Manager in 1992 where he served until his retirement in 2013.
Retirees interested in serving as Contributing Writers, in a future leadership role on the Now & Then editorial team, or with story ideas to share can contact Editor-in-Chief, Mark Griffin via our contact form.
BSA news and information updates will begin immediately on the Now & Then Facebook page. The first digital Now & Then retiree newsletter is anticipated to be the Summer 2021 edition with publication in late May.
Wayne Brock Mark Griffin John Erikson Bob Mersereau Bob Rydell Jim Wilson